Characterizing German (Sustainable) Investors

Characterizing German (Sustainable) Investors

Dipl.-Volksw. Gunnar Gutsche / Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler / Dr. Bernhard Zwergel / Prof. Dr. Christian Klein

This paper highlights the results of four empirical studies, based on the same representative survey among German retail investors. We analyze the differences between sustainable, interested, and conventional investors with respect to socio-demographic characteristics, financial performance perceptions, motives, barriers, and consumption preferences. The results reveal great similarities of sustainable and interested investors, but very strong discrepancies compared to conventional investors. Our analysis uncovers strong (stated) preferences for certified sustainable funds.

Dieser Beitrag fasst die empirischen Ergebnisse von vier Studien zusammen, die allesamt auf derselben repräsentativen Befragung von deutschen privaten Anlegern beruhen. Wir untersuchen Unterschiede zwischen nachhaltigen, interessierten und konventionellen Anlegern in Bezug auf soziodemografische Charakteristika